A New Industry-University Collaborative Research Center has been Announced by NSF
UNC Charlotte, along with City University of New York, Clarkson University and Western Carolina University will work with industry and government labs to design, model, fabricate and test artificial materials, known as metamaterials. Materials with unusual electromagnetic properties such as a negative index, zero permittivity or very high permittivities are being studied for microwave up to visible frequencies. More details about the NSF Center for Metamaterials can be found at:
Center for Metamaterials
Center for Metamaterials Fall IAB Meeting
Companies/government labs who are affiliated with the Center are AFRL, Army REDECOM, Corning, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Goodrich, 3M, BAE, Lockheed Martin, Xerox, and Phoebus. We are still actively recruiting more affiliates; for more information, please contact Dr. Ishwar Aggarwal at iaggarwa@uncc.edu.
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
City University of New York
Clarkson University
Western Carolina University